Custom Car Cover for Mercedes-Benz AMG GT
The Mercedes-Benz AMG GT car cover protects the sports car’s sleek and aggressive design perfectly through the push clips that provide a snug fit. This also prevents the entry of any unwanted dirt or dust particles that can harm the delicate areas of your car. The robust fabric, available in two types – Duro Pro and Duro Luxe, is capable of securing your vehicle from the harmful UV-rays of the sun. In addition, the water-resistant fabric prevents the potential accumulation of mold and mildew. The covers arrive with a warranty of 10 years and last up to a lifetime. The fabric is breathable and light, therefore, you can cover and uncover your vehicle easily. Claim the same convenience for other car models like Mercedes-Benz, SUVs, BMWs and sports cars. With each purchase, Covers & All shares complimentary shipping and a free storage bag.

Sturdy Materials that Put the Brakes on Vehicle Wear & Tear

Features that Drive Away Your Protection Woes
Duro Pro

Duro Plus

Duro Shield